Color Falls (Diptych #1)


This series of abstract prints is made from layered action drawings in complex shades of blues, oranges, ochres, salmon-pink, and buttery yellows. Looks great as a diptych (side-by-side or stacked) with its companion “Color Falls (Diptych #1).

Printed on Archival 100% Cotton (tree-free) Somerset Velvet Watercolor Paper.

Unframed prints ship in 1 – 3 days. Custom-framed art ships in 3 – 5 weeks. You will receive tracking information when your order ships.

This series of abstract prints is made from layered action drawings in complex shades of blues, oranges, ochres, salmon-pink, and buttery yellows. Looks great as a diptych (side-by-side or stacked) with its companion “Color Falls (Diptych #1).

Printed on Archival 100% Cotton (tree-free) Somerset Velvet Watercolor Paper.

Dimensions N/A